Working a lot of night shifts in my twenties made me a night owl in my thirties and way out in my forties. Then I decided to move to the countryside to find the quietness. Though the farmers are very noisy with a different machine for everything they do — and they get up early too — I found “peace” during a few years. I ended up to be an early bird, but also older and wiser when I returned to the city and learned Taijiquan. And I never looked back except to the semi-urban countryside again.
Getting up early, empty your body, a little healthy organic refill and start using your restarted mind is far more effective than using an “inspired” night brain. To me 6 hours in the morning can disappear without even a break, in opposite to a couple of hours “undisturbed” at night.
I have a feeling that my brain work best when the other brains are sleeping, and in the weekends the difference is severe. The reasons this happen might be different and a reason to research. Maybe it’s so simple as less 3–4–5G or Wi-Fi signals bombing your brain when others don’t stare into their screens from the silly-con-tent valley on the faces from the holy-wood.
These days should be a perfect time to turn off the bad news bombing early, adapt to a healthier lifestyle and follow the natural rhythm of the day.
Learn Taijiquan(which is both)Yoga or Meditation. Listen to your body and sing together. It will make you stronger and ready to meet the next challenges whatever it is.
Now it’s time for “a little” Taijiquan. Take good care! I still do…