Nobody takes responsibility for the handling of the virus outbreak that went wrong. The endless disputes between President Trump and the governors who to blame in the war without gun smoke continues. Is this the outcome of the phrase; Make America Great Again?
As a president Donald Trump has shown the whole world how poor he’s actions and leadership has been and still are. First the «Chinese virus» was not a problem at all, and his faith and believes was the solution to the problem. He said: The virus will disappear. We have control.
This was a state of fact so far away from reality it is hard to describe and to understand how a man — beeing in such a position as the President of the US — could express and advocate, when at that moment 10 000 people had lost their lives globally and only about 100 Americans. One month later more than 37 000 US citizens has died. Now the target to blame is WHO because when 1 of 4 death cases in the world are Americans.
Though WHO said in the middle of January the virus never spread between humans this warning was based on the knowledge at that moment.
WHO did warn the world almost daily — through February and the first weeks of Mars — about the danger and realities about the virus spread, but Donald Trump neglected to take action before friday 13th of Mars. Why? Because he believed the virus will disappear by April.
Now the President is sitting there as the April fool.
There is no doubt about that US has handled this disaster totally wrong, and in the frontline President Donald Trump. A 15 year old gamer could have handled the job better.
China and their leaders used hard hands to stop the virus, and they managed to do it to the criticism of Trump and other western leaders and reporters. Since the pandemic started in Wuhan more than 100 officials in China has been punished because they showed improper handling of the outbreak. In US so far… None!
Not many leaders around the world has been exposed to the virus except the stupid prime minister of England who went to a hospital to shake hands with infected personal. Some people tend to never take in what they are told. Do they think they have better protection than others? Some of them looks a bit flabby and pale these days, including the US president.
Some of them claim to have been working hard day and night for three weeks to save businesses. Do they take drugs when they don’t sleep in three weeks? Doctors demand people to take their sleep during the pandemic to ensure your body is more resistant to the virus.
How come people working day and night don’t get sick?
This remind me of how old ministers are taken care of after they have lost elections or they have showed lack of governance and been dismissed from their duties. They end up as a CEO in a state owned company with wages and retirement parachutes like the Queen of England’s appanage, and become untouchable. Or…Some of them end up as lobbyist’s.
In Washington there are 12 000 counted lobbyist’s and when the most prominent of the lobbying organizations spend more than $ 1 billion on the activity, some of the lobbyist’s are for sure well bread.
For their own sake I hope they used face masks while whispering in the corridors of power to protect themselves.
In so called Democracy governance states around the world people choose their leaders to some point, and everybody believe their way of governance is the best. Democracy has never been a perfect governance because it is a root to corruption and misuse of power. Manipulation and negotiations between small groups to maneuver into power has been seen all over the world, and this is a weakness in the system. When a minister represent 4 % of the population and uses his/her power make decisions favoring their supporters, but the biggest group of 40 % has no influence, then the democratic system is outdated.
Anarchy is the perfect democracy. Yes, it is… But it only works in a perfect world. We are not there, yet…
Then everything is organized in small groups and decisions taken there and then. People decide and act. Bigger problems are discussed among more people until you reach the level of a community, a district, a state, a union and then globally. Anarchy have no room for “assholes”. Only 1 asshole can destroy the democratic principle of anarchy. In the opposite direction decisions are taken and performed, and end up at a personal level. In the ongoing case it is. Protect yourself and others from the COVID-19 virus.
If you are an «asshole» somewhere in this chain — like the situation we are into now — and you don’t perform the necessary action then you probably end up as a super spreader either viral or physical.
Everything is connected we have learned this very well lately. Anarchy works in a perfect world. Democracy is not working in a perfect world and the world is not perfect.
Why? Because there are too many assholes, idiots or whatever you can call them either on the top of the chain — like the present president of the US — or all down the line to your doorstep.
Why? Why? Why?
The greed for money, the greed for power and the greed for reputation.
US need leaders who are able to understand that the rest of the world don’t need their waste, if it is governance, absence of accepting governance, their wars or the content from the holy-woods or the silly-con-tent valley.
The world still need American build guitars, Tesla cars and a few things more. We need clean and smiling athletes participating in sport events all over the world.
The ongoing war is kind of silent, but so hard to win.
When this war is won — hopefully soon — we want the world to be soft spoken, without the rumbling from the jungle. When soldiers are sent into a war they are tools. When they come home molested in brain or body then they are only humans. Now many of them has a double risk or more to get seriously sick. So are the soldiers in the frontlines now, someone without shelters…
Just because the long road of coincidences meet somewhere, right now.