The question is how Health Organizations and governance use the data. Is it used to protect them selves or to warn everybody?
In 15 minutes a lot of data can be processed. Then you can be warned if you are getting close to areas with many people gathered, or if someone is there who shouldn’t have been there because they broke quarantine.
I want to be warned if I get close to infected people or if I meet potential super speaders — who have been in areas with high spread or visited an illegal party and so on — who has broken the restrictions. If the person next to me in the supermarket has been close to hundreds of people lately and visited dozens of destinations, then the chance this is a super spreader is severe in opposite to when you pass your neighbor on the walkway because he needed to walk the dog.
What is the use for this app if it is not a “foot chain”? It is not a wristband either! It seems to be false security for ordinary people and protection for the protected.
It must be used to protect people from the virus and warn you when you get close to the potential super spreaders, or infected and quarantined who break the restrictions.
Apple and Google know who uses the app, and what about interaction with other apps when this new feature comes as an update in the OS?
Only made for this purpose? Bet you it ain’t?
In the end of May we are all Chinese…