The new climate report from NOAA clearly indicate we need action now not in 2050 to stop the global warming.
Our earth long for the 8th day to come…
This is the highlights from the 2019 Global Climate Report from NOAA:
- 2019 marks the 43rd consecutive year (since 1977) with global land and ocean temperatures at least nominally above the twentieth-century average.
- The five warmest years have occurred since 2015; nine of the 10 warmest years have occurred since 2005. The year 1998 is the only twentieth-century year among the 10 warmest years on record.
- The annual global land and ocean temperature has increased at an average rate of +0.13°F (+0.07°C) per decade since 1880; however, since 1981 the average rate of increase is more than twice that rate (+0.32°F / +0.18°C).
- For the 21-year span that is considered a reasonable surrogate for pre-industrial conditions (1880–1900), the 2019 global land and ocean temperature was 2.07°F (1.15°C) above the average.
Read more highlights on 2019 temperature, precipitation, and snow and ice conditions from NOAA’s National Center for Environmental Information here.
What can we do to stop fueling this ongoing devastating global warming?
Everybody know the answer, even politicians. Why don´t they stop it? They set down a soup council unable to make a decision. They set a goal to be reached in 2050. When you set a goal there is a risk that you won´t make it, just like if your goal is to win a marathon run. This run is lost long time ago.
Politicians can do one thing and that is to spread a lot of lies to win the next election. They always have a bad memory what they have done and said, but always remember the bad things other politicians did and use that for an explanation and excuse when things go wrong. If the year 2050 occur, what will happen then? I just explained it. They will start a new quarrel if they are alive in the ruins of civilization.
The earth has declared war and we all need to fight in this war to win.
The only solution to win this war is to implement the 8th day in our calendar. Every week we can reduce air pollution by 10 % and this will make us win the war, unless our planet has won already. The weird about this war is that we give the weapons to our enemy, and we are our own enemy at the same time.
Read the story about the 8th day and be convinced this is the only solution to stop air pollution and reduce global warming from next week, not in 2050 as politicians wish.