The Fragile Voyage On The Blue Balloon Spaceship Continues Until…
If our wisdom is filled into a balloon and decorated with the different field of sciences and knowledge on the surface as circles sized after the complexity, then there will be hundreds of different dots and circles. Nobody is familiar with all of the different knowledge in each circle. Journalists, scientists and others run between the circles to pick up new knowledge and try to make new understandings of things. The more wisdom we blow into the balloon the longer will the distance between the different knowledge fields become and also the run both inside and between each circle to pick up the knowledge.
The balloon is now bigger than ever and so are the challenges to understand the wisdom. It is time to put an understanding of all scientific directions we know on one piece of paper or at least into one book or a readable manual for everyone. We all need this understanding of our surrondings to continue the journey on our spaceship. This knowledge has to be used to prevent the balloon from cracking from the increasing pressure on the inside, but also used to vent out some useless knowledge inside.
Another vision of our planet is like a balloon with a burning core to keep us warm under the blanket in the winter or at night when we rotate into the sun shadow. On the outside of this mostly wet balloon is still just a millimeter thin atmosphere to protect us from the absolute point of zero’s cold right out there or the deadly rays from the sun and far away galaxies.
We should now focus on keeping our spaceship in top condition to endurance the “everlasting” trip that continues until… the protection turns into isolation and set it all on fire again.
And we all know…
© d’Viggo 2020