Heading For The Perfect World?

5 min readOct 15, 2020



Photo by Frank Busch on Unsplash

It is a long way to go. First we need a lot of education. I am educated. I know how to detect aggressors — but I can’t remember when I learned it — as it is a part of my DNA. The chief aggressor at the moment is the present US president. People backing him are mostly very aggressive. These people need education.

The board game Monopoly is a perfect way of achieving knowledge about how money works. You learn after a few games that in the end there is a winner, and this winner keeps it all.

The winner leaves just a few crumbs for the losers — not very unlike what happens in the real world.

And I think everybody who has played this board game a few times has observed players trying to change the rules during the game to their own benefit.

At the moment the US president is a game changer.

When you have lost something you might look a little grumpy or introvert, not very unlike when being aggressive. How can a camera detect the difference. It can’t. A camera connected to an AI or a dozen people analyzing your face in a control room will never be able to decide what kind of state your mind are into when you walk into a train station.

A camera can detect a smiling face easily. Why does the society make people aggressive? There is only one answer to that.

Government or government representatives makes people grumpy or aggressive. It is well known all over the world.

Normally people don’t end up in a fight after socializing. If normal people exist they might become a little grumpy when the food and power prices increase, but it does nut mean a government should have a right to monitor your expression.

When people meet in a bar or wherever they’re meeting they mostly smile and laugh when seeking connection with others. They share todays situation with friends and family have a meal, drink, go home, go to sleep and waiting for the next thing to happen in their life. This is the normal life.

People want to be happy, alone or with friends and family.

They don’t need to be grumpy or aggressive, because in a normal life there are no — or just a few — reasons to make them unhappy.

Lately we have seen a president trying to polarize his own mistakes and turn groups of people against each other. Citizens of a nation should go in the same direction with their eyes on how the future will be. This future — if it appear — will be the place to live for everyone regardless of skin color or preferred dressing or hairstyle.

Human rights will never be a license to kill.

A president of a nation should care for his/her citizens and unite them, not split them up and find a shelter behind those who prefer to weaponize themselves and treat others. Civil war will always ruin a nation, especially when the nation is more or less bankrupt due to bad leadership.

Then there are moments that makes people unhappy. Sometimes these moments makes you aggressive too. Bad leadership makes me grumpy. Now during the last six or seven months we have seen how some people have stopped following the rules, stopped follow common sense and the outcome is more fuel to the pandemic.

You and me is the fuel for the virus in this pandemic.

Keeping distance and handwash is the funeral for the virus. The virus will disappear if these simple rules is performed everywhere during a few weeks. This principe should be easy to understand — and will stop the virus from spreading — as the opposite outcome is obvious and give the virus the condition to spread.

Socializing could become your or others funeral.

This pandemic has given us a reason to start looking at our world with new glasses. Those who are able to look through these glasses should be listened too. Unfortunately I’ve been looking at the world with such glasses for a very long time. Little did I know about the ongoing pandemic and todays situation when I first published my idea about the 8th day in January this year.

A few weeks later the 8th day kind of exposed to the world, when the lockdown was a fact. It proved my solution on how to stop the global warming was working. I am quite sure most of the people who understood this simple solution did not become grumpy, and smiled a little if they read my story:

I want to make the world a perfect world for everyone, and we can make the world perfect.The implementation of the 8th day is a win win solution for everyone.

In a perfect world there will be no need for aggression detection.

Then we can detect if someone is not satisfied with the situation. We can bring this person one after each other to a conversation, listen to this person’s problems or unhappiness and do something about it. Then the perfect world can continue.

When everybody work in the same direction in a try to make everyone’s situation better, then the world will be perfect. Our leaders should be happy. Happy because they have been chosen to lead a nation and the world into a better future.

The people in the world don’t need the help of AI and cameras to detect aggressive leaders.

Leaders should act carefully and give their citizens so much care they will wake up smiling every day. Then there will be no reason to use a lot of money on aggression detection. Such detection is build into the mind of every human being.

Those who make people unhappy(read: aggressive) should make people happy. These those are people, but their aggression makes people unhappy and they are told to be aggressive. The chief of those aggressors is the US president and all wannabes and his and their followers.

These people are not smiling when they’re hanging around. Let’s hope they are picked up and prisoned on their way to the election by aggression detection and kept behind bars until the election is done.

Warning… This aggression detection technology has been implemented all over the world during the pandemic.

US leaders should realize they don’t own the rest of the world and stay home and clean up the mess in their own country.

The rest of the world has nothing to learn from this nation at the moment. From the outside the behavior of your president looks even worser. You can’t blame your neighbors when your own dishwasher is full, when the agreement is everybody takes their own wash-up.


© d’Viggo 2020




Written by d’Viggo

You might know me, but you don’t. I got wet in the rain, but now always soaked. I thought a lot. High thoughts and also loud and clear.

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