Governments around the world has for a very long time closed both their ears, windows and doors fast as lightning — after being elected — and quickly forgotten both common sense and the “promises” that made them end up in a new office.
This big family of corrupt liars never perform more than dull critics to other family members to ensure their own economic outcome. Their lost ability to look into the future — related to their own mistakes — make us all suffer including themselves.
In Norway, often referred as a health care model country has now exposed their lack of presence to the situation and another scandal occurs. A doctor who had a holiday in the outbreak area in Italy started working the day after he came home, though he informed the hospital in the captial city of Oslo about symptoms of sickness. This doctor then had contact with more than 200 people before he was tested positive and was isolated. So far 5 people has tested positive working in this hospital unit as a result of this mistake.
How stupid can hospital leaders who’s there to protect the population be? This scandal is even more stupid than the Chinese handled the situation in the beginning. Will the rest of the world learn this time? Or is it to late to learn?