First we need to accept that the decade we have started or are about to finish has been the worst in human history. There is absolutely no need to redesign things that works, but we have to redesign human behavior so our planet is livable in the future. This means no more air pollution, no more garbage spread around the world from fossil fuel in cars or power plants.
The power use to stream one Hollywood movie is similar to a 6 km long car trip in a gasoline car. Time to design an app that can only stream the Sunday movie?
If half of the population on our planet reduce their emails by 10 every year this will be equivalent to more than 100 000 airplanes doing a flight at the distance London-Madrid every year. In 2018 we had about 27 000 airliners doing passenger transport in the world. Then our overuse of email is similar to every passenger airliner flying between 4 and 5 flights from London to Madrid. What about a reminder: Do you really need to send this mail?
Pollution from air traffic is on hold from the UN climate agreement protocols because the contributors are not able to find a solution how to measure the emission and share between takeoff, flight area or destination airport. Why is it so hard to design a solution to this?
We might not need a new design in our traveling app or mailbox to explain this fact. Just a reminder what we do, when we do it…
For a very long time human beeings has redisigned our planet. Hopefully a lot of this has been done without the knowledge how things really works. But the warnings has been overlooked or told to closed ears, or in front of closed doors.
It is time to accept that our planet don’t need a new design, but we need to redesign our brains, our thinking and behavior.
The acceptance of the fact that if we have to abandon our design studio then our working day, our vacation our children’s birthdays and everything that used to be is over.
To be sure this won’t happen it is only one new design we need. A new design on the calendar. Read about how it could be done in this story: The next decade needs a new weekday, an 8th day to start refurbish our planet. Or in story about the 8th day . And the two stories also describe how the first one to start the redesign and the rest of us will be winners in a redesigned world.